Tuesday, June 30, 2009

African Dwarf Frog Ailments!

Welcome to the amazing world of the African Dwarf Frog. Free tips about keeping African Dwarf Frogs. Lots of info and more on African Dwarf Frogs, your home and family and pet home.

There are some infections and ailments that are common in African Dwarf Frogs and you may come across some of them.

The following are some ailments of the African Dwarf Frog.

If your African Dwarf Frog has white, cottony looking patches or threads on his body, then he may have a fungal infection.

With a bacterial infection your African Dwarf Frog may have no physical symptoms, but he may appear lethargic, and might refuse to eat.

Your African Dwarf Frog may also spend a lot of time just floating at the surface in one spot. This could be contusive to a bacterial infection.

If your African Dwarf Frog has intense swelling in the body and legs, this is known as ‘Dropsy’ or bloat.

In the following posts I will tell you about some of the treatments for these ailments!

Click on : free aquarium care video for more info.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What is ‘that’ swimming in my tank??

Welcome to the amazing world of the African Dwarf Frog. Free tips about keeping African Dwarf Frogs. Lots of info and more on African Dwarf Frogs, your home and family and pet home.

If you have a male and a female African Dwarf Frog in your tank, you may just notice one day that there are tiny black things swimming around.

Well, don’t panic, your African Dwarf Frogs have mated and given you some tadpoles.

Try to separate them from the adults as soon as possible. The adults may mistake them for food!

It might be easier to move the adults to a different tank for a while, because your tadpoles are very small.

You can feed your tadpoles a protein powder made for fish or ‘spirulina flakes.’

When they are a bit bigger you can offer them frozen blood worms.

Remember not to over feed your frogs. Do not give them more than they will eat in an hour or two!

You could consider selling the extra tadpoles to your pet shop or to friends.

The Anubias Nana plant gives your African Dwarf Frog lovely hiding places.

Click on: http://aquariumliveplants.blogspot.com