Thursday, August 6, 2009

African dwarf frog Injuries (2) What to do?

Welcome to the amazing world of the African Dwarf Frog. Free tips about keeping African Dwarf Frogs. Lots of info and more on African Dwarf Frogs, your home and family and pet home.

If you find your African dwarf frog has missing toe nails, do not worry too much. They will grow back on their own.

As this could be a sign of calcium deficiency, be sure to include ‘Reptomin’ or some other specially formulated pelleted food that is high in calcium.

Another symptom of an illness is if your African dwarf frog develops a wound or sores. Check if he has not been bitten by an aggressive fish, like your Siamese fighting fish/ Betta fish. If not, then remove him to a hospital tank until he heals on his own.

One other injury which may occur is when your African dwarf frog eats a piece of gravel and becomes impacted. You will then need to feed him soft foods like frozen beef heart until he passes the gravel.

Otherwise, just enjoy your African dwarf frog. They are wonderful little creatures.

For info on aquariums click on: ‘FREE AQUARIUM CARE VIDEO’ and

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For more information!

1 comment:

  1. My ADF got stuck on the tank filter while we were away for the 4th, when we got home..we immediately shut off the intake, and gently removed him..he is still breathing, arms will move, but still floating, and now has this white fuzzy looking stuff on both of his legs.What possibly can this be.. What should i do. Any suggestions to protect the fish and frogs from the suction wand, and also what should i do to help the ADF.
